{Fast, Correct} - Choose two
Bazel only rebuilds what is necessary. With advanced local and distributed caching, optimized dependency analysis and parallel execution, you get fast and incremental builds.
Build and test Java, C++, Android, iOS, Go and a wide variety of other language platforms. Bazel runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Bazel helps you scale your organization, codebase and Continuous Integration system. It handles codebases of any size, in multiple repositories or a huge monorepo.
Easily add support for new languages and platforms with Bazel's familiar extension language. Share and re-use language rules written by the growing Bazel community.
Bazel is the common build tool throughout Pinterest and has been instrumental in achieving fast, reproducible builds across our programming languages and platforms.
Bazel provides a seamless and consistent build interface for different languages in a single system. It increased our productivity significantly. We love it!
By switching to bazel we not only eliminated the overhead of maintaining multiple build systems, but also massively sped up our build and testing infrastructure.
When you build software with Bazel, you're running the same code that has been refined and tested for years at Google to build heavy-duty, mission-critical infrastructure, services, and applications.